Mike Brian

Years of Experience: 30

Location: Farmington, Utah

Chapter: Farmington Bay, Virtual

Phone: 801-696-6453

Email: mike@mikebrian.com

Website: mikebrian.com

Types of Stories: Business, Motivational, Behavior change

Books Written: Presenter Evolution

 Mike Brian began his communications and storytelling career in 1989 doing presentations with an overhead projector and 35mm slides. His passion for storytelling, presenting and communicating drove him to become an innovator on the stage. His expertise in strategically planning, designing and delivering powerful multimedia presentations has helped hundreds of companies and thousands of executives connect deeper with their audience. Mike invented a cadencing system for crafting stories and presentation that are more impactful and leverage both sides of the audience’s brains.

Mike spent over 30 years in the Marketing, Advertising and Communications industry as a partner at Penna Powers, a regional full-service agency servicing clients from a wide range of industries. Penna Powers is a proven powerhouse agency in the intermountain west. 

He is currently a successful professional public speaker and the President of the National Speakers Association Mountain West Chapter. 

As a pioneer in the evolution of digital presentations, he has helped clients like JPMorgan, ACS, BlueCross BlueShield, Daimler Chrysler, US Bank, Campus Pipeline, Modem Media, Hitachi, Iomega, Farmers Insurance and many others connect with their audience with more impact and results in today’s digital and communications-driven landscape. 

He may be serious about the science of storytelling and presentation strategy, but he also knows how to move people. Mike’s ever-present sense of humor brings a welcome dose of fun to all his hard work.


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