Meet Our Board

Cassie, Karl, and Karla are all seasoned storytellers. They represent our state well. Cassie speaks for Salt Lake County, Karl cover Davis and Weber County and Karla has her pulse on Utah County. They stay active and engaged in what is happening within the state.

Cassie Ashton

Cassie Ashton

USG President

How do you describe a storyteller?

By the tales she tells. Cassie is a damsel, warrior princess, wild woman, wise woman,  and oh, so much more. She studied theater in college but found storytelling to be more adaptable to family life.

She has been telling and teaching since 1992. Her greatest joy is serving this community of like-minded souls, helping them connect with their stories.

Karl Behling

Karl Behling

President Elect

He is a seasoned, professional educator and experienced performing artist who also writes books, attends Mountain Man rendezvous, and loves settling in to tell stories with the grandkids.

He recently retired after having taught 2nd, 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades for 36 years. Having used storytelling throughout his teaching career.

He began a concurrent career as a Professional Storyteller in 1999.

Karla Huntsman

Karla Huntsman


She loves what she does!

Making meaning through story and theater activities has been her life’s work. These complementary art forms deepen our abilities to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, and LEARN–to make meaning of our world.

Through the years, I have seen hundreds of lives changed through the power of story–both with storytelling itself and with dramatic activities.

Join Our Guild?

A storyteller has many faces. Many enjoy telling on stage and some prefer to share stories around the kitchen table. We welcome all who want to get better at sharing stories, whether it be to 1 or 100.